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Sheepskin European Flame 50456

The skin measures 110cm. Experience a unique interplay of colors and textures with our European Flame sheepskins, where the tips are gently bleached to highlight a beautiful golden hue. This elegant sheepskin combines nature’s raw beauty with a touch of refined craftsmanship.

Unique Natural Beauty:
Our European Flame sheepskins are a true visual delight. The warm brown base color, paired with golden highlights, creates an enchanting contrast and a luxurious glow. The natural variations in the fleece’s texture make each sheepskin a unique work of art.

Top Quality:
Every European Flame sheepskin is carefully selected to ensure softness, density, and durability. This uncompromising dedication to quality provides you with a sheepskin that is not only beautiful but also practical and long-lasting—perfect for both decoration and comfort.

Exclusive Color Treatment:
What makes European Flame special is the gentle bleaching of the tips, which enhances an elegant golden sheen without compromising the natural qualities of the fleece. This process gives the sheepskin a unique and sophisticated appearance, suitable for both modern and classic interiors.

Sustainable Production:
Our European Flame sheepskins are produced with respect for animal welfare and the environment. We strive to combine high quality with a responsible approach to production, so you can enjoy a product that is both beautiful and sustainable.

European Origin:
European Flame comes from sheep grazing freely on European meadows. The natural texture and color of the fleece reflect the harmonious interplay between nature and animal welfare, making the sheepskin an authentic and valuable addition to your home.
Price at 1 (Before 101,00)67,00 €
