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Sheepskin Gotland 70126

The skin measures 105cm. Experience timeless Nordic elegance with our natural sheepskins from Gotland sheep, carefully selected to ensure the highest quality. These sheepskins are a tribute to the picturesque island of Gotland and originate from the iconic Gotland sheep, renowned for their unique curly and lustrous fleece.

Unique Natural Beauty:
Our sheepskins from Gotland sheep are a true testament to nature's refinement. The distinct curly fleece with its silvery-gray tones and silky-soft texture makes each sheepskin a visual gem. The subtle variations in color and texture ensure that every sheepskin is unique, adding a touch of natural luxury to your home.

Top Quality:
We place great emphasis on the quality of our sheepskins. Each Gotland sheepskin is carefully selected for its softness, luster, and durability. These sheepskins combine beauty and functionality, making them a long-lasting and versatile addition to your home décor.

Sustainable Sheepskin Production:
We strive for a sustainable and responsible approach to producing our Gotland sheepskins. Our products are crafted with respect for animal welfare and the environment, giving you a product that is both beautiful and ethically made.

Gotland Origin:
Gotland sheep have a rich history and are closely connected to the scenic island of Gotland. These sheep graze freely in the island’s open landscapes, and their unique fleece reflects the rugged yet beautiful nature of Gotland. Each sheepskin brings this authentic sense of Gotland directly into your home.

Discover the union of nature’s beauty and artisanal quality with our Gotland sheepskins. Perfect for creating coziness, elegance, and comfort wherever they are used.
Price at 1 188,00 €
